Washington Immigrant Relief Fund Hotline: 1-844-620-1999

Celebrating Diversity, Inclusion, Wellbeing, Justice, and Leadership.

Nothing about us, without us.

Your statewide partners for equality.

We are vision-holders, networkers, organizers, and allies. We work statewide to restore dignity and hope to people and communities, center and uplift the voices of the most impacted, and bring justice and equality to institutional systems. We are BIPOC-led and BIPOC-driven, and have spent decades building relationships with Black, Indigenous, Immigrant, impoverished, and diverse communities in Washington State. We promote healthy economic development, equality in legislative affairs, Covid-19 relief for vulnerable and underserved communities, civil and human rights, religious freedom (including freedom from persecution), and equal access to education.

Join our work today!

What Drives Us

People of Color Community Coalition centers the voices of the most impacted. All of our efforts affirm and derive strength from the lived experiences of ourselves and those we serve. We provide services related to our goals of securing for our communities:

  • Universal and protected civil and human rights;
  • Fair, welcoming, and transparent immigration law and procedures;
  • Equal access to culturally competent and linguistically accessible health and human services;
  • Economic empowerment and development for small businesses;
  • Religious equality and an end to faith-based violence and persecution;
  • Multi-ethnic celebration and social acceptance of cultural diversity;
  • Equal access to affordable, high-quality education; and
  • Other concerns of underrepresented people.

We encourage and promote civic participation of all marginalized and disenfranchised people in electoral and public policy processes. 

Please reach out if you see potential for collaboration, or if you’d like to become a part of what we do.

All are welcome.

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